Comment on Brood II

Welcome to the Staten Island Museum's "Comment on Brood II" page.  The aim of this page is to gather your thoughts, ideas and comment on the emergence of Brood II of the periodical cicadas.

The cicadas are expected to begin emerging in mid- to late-May and continue through early July.

Please visit us again when you start hearing or seeing the cicadas around you neighborhood or favorite parks to leave comment, thoughts and reactions in the comment box at the bottom on this page.

Comments can be posted using the grey "Send feedback" box at the bottom right of this window.


  1. Please do not leave comments until the cicadas start to emerge in mid to late May.

  2. Seeing them for the first time was such a surreal experience. What a great date night! Nymphs crawling around everywhere. Adults flying in my hair. Soo much fun. I think everyone should take pictures with cicadas on themselves to show others not to fear them. :-)
